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2011-04-07 08:24:55
A lively, vital shot of a pretty vivacious young girl. And what a wonderful clear complexion. It is a photo to treasure on a gloomy day. But what does "obvetreny lips" mean

2011-04-07 08:15:34
Beautiful picture but are they edible?

2011-04-07 08:12:15
Wonderful hat, beautiful necklace - gorgeous, luscious, inviting bosom. Well done.

2011-04-07 08:08:29
Озеро Фева
Lovely shot - so quietly relaxing.

2011-03-18 04:12:46
моя куколка)
Well I like it as it is. In my view it's not essential to have the whole head perfectly presented. This lends a feeling of vitality to the shot and draws attention to the lovely little girl's face and smile. I say well done.

2011-03-18 03:51:14
Well I'm seduced, or at least would be given half a chance. A very saucy look and as for those vivid nails .. well.. I like it a lot.

2011-03-18 03:48:06
не подходи ко мне..я обиделась!)))
How many times I have seen our little girls with that petulant look after taking offence. Very realistic. I think I agree with(1) Confiture though. Still, a very good shot.

2011-03-17 05:24:45
Вспоминая лето...
How lovely. This is the "girl next door" - unadorned, completely at ease and simply charming - except the "girl next door" was never this beautiful. This young girl embodies everything that is naturally gorgeous. In dreams there is truth and we can only that a young man's dreams will reveal this truth. ( Those eyes are NOT Green!!)

2011-03-17 05:12:39
Любовь навеки!
This beautiful. It captures that romantic feeling so well. The way the sun shines through that arch of green and the brides veil is magnificent. Well done indeed.

2011-03-17 05:09:19
Charming. This is a reminder of the past with it's chaste elegance. And what a lovely smile to match that intriguing necklace. Beautiful shot.

2011-03-16 10:53:25
я не сплю, я просто медленно моргаю...
There's no reply to that comment. Still I'll do my best. Where do you suggest I begin?

2011-03-15 12:07:16
Я ж любя...
But is the cat? I think not. A poor cat should suffer to make a child happy or to provide a photo for the parent.

2011-03-15 12:00:09
По Волге - Матушке
That's a long ship - but then it's a big river. Well shot

2011-03-15 11:56:52
Well I like this for what it is - a lovely photo of a beautiful girl . As a self-portrait it is stunning. I particularly like the way in which those (hazel?) eyes gleam from under that quirkily cut fringe. Very appealing.

2011-03-15 11:49:30
Линии и формы
This is an unusual treatment of a nude with so much emphasis on dark areas. But the beauty of the body is highlighted to good effect and the effect of the outstanding nipples cannot be ignored. Overall I like this.

2011-03-15 05:51:16
i always had a soft spot for gypsies and this one is marvellous. Such a pretty vivacious girl and the dress is just marvellous. I'll bet she feels a million dollars dressed up like that. And what a wonderful sparkle in those gypsey eyes.

2011-03-15 05:45:47
Эх, яблочко, лети мне в рученьки!
I don't know what it's about but I like it anyway. Nice lively scene and eye-catching colours.

2011-03-15 05:42:26
А я думала, там игрушки...
Well they are, but not little girls toys. This is a lot of fun. I like it.

2011-03-15 05:37:02
Папины дочки
Now this is nice. Mother and daughter looking blissfully happy. What's wrong with No 1?

2011-03-15 05:33:33
Маленькая Вера..
Why do you refer to her "little". I would say she is far from little. But she is very beautiful. In dreams there is truth and a lot of dreams lie in those limpid pools mere mortals call eyes. Dreaming eyes. I could gaze into those eyes forever. Wonderful

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